Adoption Tax Talk 2015

It’s that time of year again…Tax Time!

 Did you know there is an adoption tax credit for those who have adopted a child?

 Did you know the rules on how to claim that credit is different for the different kinds of adoption (international, domestic, and special needs)?

 Do you know the difference between a refundable credit and a non-refundable credit?

 Do you know that if you feel you may have missed something regarding your adoption tax credit on certain previous years, you can still amend those?

 If you’d like to know more about these things or have questions of your own, than this workshop is for you!!

 Adoption Tax Talk

 For the third year in a row a tax professional from H & R Block, will be returning to present on different adoption tax tips.

 This workshop will be informative and interactive…so come with questions!

 Please join us on Tuesday, January 6th from 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Neenah.

See the Attached flyer for more information.