Empowered to Connect Simulcast

Plymouth Congregational Church in Oshkosh will be hosting 2016’s Empowered to Connect Simulcast on April 8-9.  

The conference features Dr. Karyn Purvis and is ideal for adoptive and foster parents, those considering adoption or foster care, or any parent of a child who has experienced trauma, and those who are serving and supporting others, including social workers, agency professionals, church staff and ministry leaders, counselors, therapists and others.

This is a FREE simulcast. Please e-mail [email protected] to register. If you would like a workbook for $5, please indicate in an e-mail. There are 11 CE credits available with this simulcast. If you are interested, also note in your e-mail response.

For additional questions, please call or text 920-205-9188. Attached you will find an informational flyer with location and contact information, as well as a schedule of the 2-day event.

Empowered to Connect Conference Flyer

Empowered to Connect Conference Schedule