Introduction to Trust-Based
Relational Intervention (TBRI®) Seminar
Presenter: Lori DuRussel, Certified TBRI® Trainer
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
6pm – 8pm,
Post Adoption Resource Center
Holy Name Heights, 702 S. High Point Road
Madison WI 53719
Parenting is challenging! As your child moves through tantrums, sulks, anxiety, and rates,
it can be tough to know how to parent effectively. This is particularly true in adoptive or foster families where children have experienced early trauma or loss.
TBRI is an attachment-based, trauma-informed parenting approach designed to help parents
meet the complex needs of vulnerable children. Join us in this introductory seminar to learn the basics of TBRI and get some specific tools to not only manage your child’s behavior but also to strengthen your connection to your child.
Cost: $5 per person. Includes pizza dinner!