Upcoming Event: A Retreat for Birthmothers!

Always in My Heart:
Remembering a Birthmother’s Love
A Retreat for Birthmothers
Saturday, May 6, 201710am – 4pm
Catholic Charities Adult Day Center
1919 N 60th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53208
This day is for birthmothers at any stage in their adoption
journey, whether they’ve placed many years ago or just last week.  
With opportunities to share (as they are comfortable) stories and hear
from other birthmothers, the hope is that they are able to build a
support system through shared experiences and each other.  
Come for a day of self-care and learning!
Cost:  FREE
Registration required.  Deadline to register is April 17th.
For more information and to register, please contact:
Post Adoption Resource Center at (800) 236-4673 (Toll-Free)
Judi at [email protected]  OR  Jessica at [email protected]
(608) 826-8009                                         (608) 826-8015
PRESENTED BY: Catholic Charities of the Dioceses of Green Bay, LaCrosse,
Madison, and Milwaukee