New Event | Trauma-Informed Parenting Training (Fond du Lac)

Tue, March 20, 4:30pm – 6:30pm
Aging and Disability Resource Center, 50 N Portland Street, Fond du Lac WI 54935 (map)
Many children served by the child welfare system have lived through traumatic experiences. Understanding how trauma affects children can help parents make sense of their child’s behaviors, feelings, and attitudes; can help parents develop greater insight around how to help their child cope with the effects of trauma; and, help parents understand how to provide a safe and stable home environment.
The training promotes learning, skill development and behavior change through active participation, varied group activities, and assignments including skills to practice between sessions. Creating a safe environment for meaningful dialogue is a critical component. Participants are encouraged to share their experiences, both successes and challenges, to learn from one another and build ongoing support during and beyond the training. Training objectives are listed below:

  1. Understand Complex Traumatic Stress and how it can affect the typical development of children 
  2. Gain awareness of the types of behaviors (symptoms) commonly seen in children who have had traumatic experiences 
  3. Understand the need to address psychological as well as physical safety in alternative care and when planning family contacts 
  4. Advocate for and be able to adequately identify providers

The workshop provides birth parents and resources parents the knowledge and skills needed to effectively care for and support children who have experienced trauma. These workshops are especially helpful for birth parents preparing for reunification and resource parents of children with challenging behaviors. Agency social workers are encouraged to attend as a member of a care team (with resource parents or birth parents or both) or as potential trainers.

The curriculum used in the workshops is the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) “Caring for Children Who Have Experienced Trauma” Curriculum. Continuing education hours for all participants fulfill professional and foster parent training requirements. The curriculum modules are listed below.
1. Introduction
2. Trauma 101
3. Understanding Trauma’s Effects
4. Building a Safe Place
5. Dealing with Feelings and Behaviors
6. Connections and Healing
7. Becoming an Advocate
8. Taking Care of Yourself
Please RSVP by:
February 9th, 2018
Contact: Robbie Bauer