Registration is Open | 2019 Trauma-Informed Care Workshop for Parents & Professionals


You are invited to participate in a FREE Trauma-informed workshop presented by Foundations Health & Wholeness, Brown County Health & Human Services in collaboration with Brown County United Way, Howe Community Resource Center & MediCoping LLC. The training series will provide information and tools to help recognize and respond to behaviors that result from trauma.

Why Trauma-Informed Parenting?
Parenting a child or youth who has experienced trauma can be difficult. Families can sometimes feel isolated as if no one else understands what they are going through. Understanding how trauma affects children can help parents/caregivers make sense of their child’s behaviors; develop greater insight around how to help their child/children cope with the effects of trauma; and understand how to provide a safe and stable home environment. The curriculum is based on the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) Resource Parent Curriculum.

Who Should Attend?
This training is intended for adoptive, foster, biological parents/caregivers and providers working with children and families who have experienced trauma.

Note: parents/caregivers and service providers will be attending the training together.

Tuesdays; September 10th, September 17th, September 24th, October 1st, October 8th, October 15th, October 22nd & October 29th (Please plan on attending all 8 sessions)

Complimentary Meal: 5:00-5:30 p.m.
Trauma Parenting Workshop: 5:30 p.m. -7:30 p.m.
(Note: Childcare will be available if needed on a first come first serve basis.)

YWCA Greater Green Bay, 230 S. Madison St. Green Bay WI 54301

For more information please contact Shromona Bose- Bigelow at [email protected] or 920-593-4769