The Benefits of Adoption

According to Adoption Network, around 140,000 children are adopted each year in the United States. Though there are no definite statistics on how many couples are waiting to adopt, it is thought that there is no shortage on Americans hoping to adopt and that there are potentially one to two million couples waiting to be parents. If you’re considering making an adoption plan for your child or are in general, seeking more information about adoption, you’ll find that there are multiple benefits for all involved. 

The Benefits of Adoption for Parents

Many birth parents come to an adoption agency apprehensive about the adoption process. Though some may call this process “giving up a baby for adoption,” this is not the correct terminology. A baby isn’t being given up, but an adoption plan is created that will help everyone understand the process. Laura, a birth mother whose story I have had the privilege of hearing, struggled with this process herself. She didn’t feel that she was ready to parent and began searching for birth families. She successfully placed her son with another family—one that she remains close to.

“While my heart was breaking, I was also 100% confident that I had chosen the right family to raise my child. They were already a beautiful family, and my baby was surrounded by more love than he could have known,” she says. 

In Laura’s situation, an open adoption was created to allow her to still see her son and be a part of his life. American Pregnancy notes that this allows for birth parents to still be a part of their child’s life. This offers the added benefits of adoption by helping birth parents work through what is undeniably a difficult event. (Note that every open adoption differs).

While there are benefits of adoption for birth parents who are seeking other options, it is beneficial to parents by adoption. 

Many individuals who adopt are building their family due to infertility, other health issues, choosing to build a family without a partner, etc. An adoption plan allows people to become parents that may have not been able to. Additionally, adoptive parents have the benefit of learning, growing, and experiencing new cultures.

The Benefits of Adoption for Children

Like the benefits of adoption for parents, there are benefits of adoption for the child. If you’re considering creating an adoption plan, there is a reason and it’s important to consider these reasons when making a plan.  Below are some of the benefits of adoption for the child.

Adoption can Provide Stability

If there is a chance that a child won’t be able to stay with a parent permanently, this could result in being moved around with family members or even in foster care. The Institute of Family Studies explains that instability at home can leak over into other aspects of life meaning that children could struggle at school and in other relationships. They further note that instability can cause a “loss of resources” whether that be financial or even just time with adults in their home.

Adoption can Help with Success

As I mentioned above, instability can cause a lot of issues with children. Having stability can allow for success in the classroom and having regular access to help needed. This can help with student success in school and in other milestones in their lives.

Access to Opportunities

Adoption can be an expensive endeavor so it’s safe to say that many people who adopt have the financial stability to provide for a child. (Finances are also thoroughly vetted during a home study process). With this being said, it’s a fair assumption that children in this environment would have access to lessons, extracurricular events, travel, etc. that can help lead to their overall success.

For more information about the Benefits of Adoption, click here

How to Make an Adoption Plan

If you’re a birth parent considering making an adoption plan for your child and have found that the benefits of adoption would help you, you can begin the process by meeting with an adoption professional. You will have the opportunity to see individuals that are hoping to become parents that have gone through the processes to get to that status. Ultimately, you’ll have the control to decide what you envision for your child. 

To start the process of making an adoption plan, click here

There are multiple benefits to adopting children for both birth families, children, and adoptive parents. It’s important to think of these things when you’re making decisions and to understand that there are people ready to help you through the process!