Author Archives: Angie Flannery

Creating Relationships with Birthparents in Adoption

Ninety-five percent of domestic infant adoptions in the US have some degree of openness, so almost all adoptive parents need to think about creating a lasting healthy relationship with their child’s birth mother and birth father. Host Dawn Davenport, Executive Director of Creating a Family, the national infertility & adoption education and support nonprofit, interviews… (Read More)

Things to Consider before Adopting Two Kids at Once

As you consider the adoption process, you will likely be asked by your agency how many children you are looking to adopt. This is a topic that deserves some careful consideration. Before you decide that you are open to adopting more than one child at a time, read this article on Creating a Family website… (Read More)

Adoptive Family Weekend

YMCA Camp Minikani September 5-7, 2015  Here is the Adoptive Family Weekend information for 2015! It will be held at Camp Minikani,September 5-7.  Each family should get their own cabin, however if you would like to room with another family please note that on your registration form.  Most of the cabins don’t have bathrooms right in them… (Read More)

Kite Festival

  Saturday, August 8th 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Martin Park & CenterPointe Marina Sturgeon Bay   Are you and your family looking for a reason to get to Door County this summer? Well, here’s your reason!! Come join other adoptive and pre-adoptive families for Family Services’ first annual Kite Festival! Your family will enjoy… (Read More)

Are You Too Old to Begin a Family at 40? 45? 50?

I am currently struggling – in fact, agonizing – over this decision. I am turning 40 next month and my husband is 45. After unsuccessful IVF treatments, we are considering adoption. However, as much as I dream of having a family, I’m worried we are too old to begin one at our age. At what… (Read More)

Free Webinar: Parenting After Transracial Adoption

Don’t Miss The Free Expert Q&A Webinar TOMORROW at 1pm ET – Register for the webinar: Parenting After Transracial AdoptionParenting After Transracial Adoption with Beth Hall July 22, 2015 @ 1 pm ET If you have adopted a child of a different race than your own, how will you ensure that he grows up confident in… (Read More)

Free Webinar: Parenting after Transracial Adoption

Register now for a FREE Expert Q&A Webinar Parenting After Transracial Adoption with Beth Hall July 22, 2015 @ 1 pm ET If you have adopted a child of a different race than your own, how will you ensure that he grows up confident in his racial identity? How do you talk about racial differences? How do… (Read More)

Adoption Choice gives back to the Community!!

Adoption Choice, Inc. and it’s staff believes in support our local community and other non-profit organizations.  Recently, agency staff and family members answered pledge calls for the 61st CP Telethon.   It was a great opportunity to meet such wonderful people and help out an agency with such amazing programs!!  We hope to do this… (Read More)

Adoption Choice at the CP Telethon!!

Adoption Choice, Inc. believes in supporting other local organizations in our community and will be volunteering their time to answer phones and raise funds for the wonderful programs at the CP Center. The 61st Annual CP Telethon will be held on March 7 and 8, 2015.  The staff at Adoption Choice will be VIPs and… (Read More)