Category Archives: Adoption Process

All About the Home Study Process

  The home study process is one that causes many who are considering adoption some stress. However, for me, this is one of the aspects of the adoption process that I remember as a great experience. This is a great time to sit down and have discussions with your family or partner about how you… (Read More)

What is an Adoption Consultant?

  If you are in the process of adopting or considering choosing an adoption placement for your child, you’ve likely been bombarded with a lot of terminology related to the adoption community and who you will be working with. Though you may have heard about adoption consultants, you also might not be familiar with them,… (Read More)

Choosing Adoptive Parents: Who Makes the Decision?

Choosing to make an adoption plan to place your child for adoption is a hard decision. Ensuring that your child is adopted by a family that you trust to raise him or her can be just as hard. Though in some instances, birth parents may not opt to or be unable to choose who adopts… (Read More)

How to Navigate Open Adoption

  As a birth parent who is already navigating creating an adoption plan, it can be difficult to know what type of openness you see occurring. This is an important decision and there are adoption professionals willing to help you think this through.    What is an open adoption? There are three levels of openness… (Read More)

Why Do Birth Parents Choose Adoption?

  I have done a lot of research about adoption and have had the privilege of speaking to many birth mothers. It is so important to me to learn from others’ lived experiences. Through these conversations, I’ve learned that no birth mother chooses to make an adoption plan for the same reason. In fact, there… (Read More)

Is It Too Late to Think About Adoption?

  Choosing to make an adoption plan is an extremely difficult decision and one that individuals do not take likely. It can be hard to find an adoption professional you’re comfortable with,  adoptive parents that are a fit for you, and to decide if you are able to create an adoption plan when you might… (Read More)

What Is a Disrupted Adoption?

When you research adoption, like many of us did when we were in the process of adopting our children, you may hear about disrupted adoptions, meaning the process has started, but doesn’t end up working out. Though this does happen, notes that each year, the number of disrupted adoptions has been decreasing. By being… (Read More)

What Rights Do Adoptive Parents Have?

  In the adoption community, we talk a lot about the rights of birth parents and a birth mother’s parental rights in open, semi open, and closed adoptions. What we often don’t talk about clearly that seems to be a discussion on online forums is if an adoptive parent would like to relinquish rights. The… (Read More)

What is involved in…

  One of the most important aspects of preparing for adoption is the home study or home visit. I talk to a lot of couples who are planning to adopt or are starting the process and this is one thing that makes people nervous. To them, it seems overwhelming to have a stranger come into… (Read More)

How long is the Adoption Process?

  I often get referred to people interested in the adoption process by friends and family to talk with them about our own journey. Many people want to know how long it takes right away. The reality is that no situation is alike and depending on how you go about building your family and various… (Read More)