Birth Parents
Adoption Choice offers a birth mother support group that is active on Facebook. This is a private Facebook page where birth mothers can ask questions, post comments, or simply just talk about what is going on in their lives. It is completely private and only approved members are able to read, view and post comments. To join visit: https://www.facebook.com/groups/568600779868655
Birth Parents can also find additional resources below:
BirthMom Buds
Website: http://birthmombuds.com/
An organization and website that provides peer counseling, support, encouragement, and friendship to birth moms as well as pregnant women considering adoption. They have many resources available that include a newsletter, online forum, blog, and annual retreat, among other things.
Birth Parent Support Group
A faith-based support group for birth mothers and fathers who have chosen adoption for their children. Group time includes sharing, processing grief and loss, as well as encouragement. Meetings held every other month at Hales Corners Lutheran Church. Please RSVP to 414-529-6700 if you plan on attending. (See our calendar of events for upcoming meeting dates.)
Wisconsin Adoption And Permanency Support Program Birth Parent Support Group
Karla Meyer: [email protected]
Jessica Wright: [email protected]
Christy Reppe: [email protected]
Find more details or information by contacting any of the individuals above, referring to the events section of the Wisconsin Adoption & Permanency Support Facebook page, or by visiting the Wisconsin Adoption & Permanency Support website.

Waiting Families
Our waiting families support group takes place every 3rd Thursday of the month. This is an open group for pre-adoptive families who are in the home study process or waiting for a placement of a child/children. This support group is a great way to get more information about the process and connect with other waiting families in our agency! For more information please reach out to your current adoption counselor.