Getting Started

Once you have explored the adoption programs of Adoption Choice, Inc., there are a few steps you can take as prospective adoptive parents:

  • Become familiar and knowledgeable about open adoption
  • Develop an awareness that the domestic adoption process will vary depending on the wishes of the birth parents
  • Begin to think about what you wish to include in your parent profile which will be viewed by birth parents
  • Children placed for domestic adoption come from all ethnic backgrounds. The more open you are to bi-racial, as well as African American and Hispanic infants, the shorter the wait time will be.
  • Talk with friends or relatives who have adopted children

For International Adoptions, also consider these additional points:

  • Assess your personal background, including travel experiences, cultural perspectives, family needs, personal tastes, and long term goals.
  • Select and learn more about the nation or region from which you wish to adopt.
  • Research and select a placing agency. Adoption Choice, Inc. can conduct international home studies for most countries.

Visit our Support Services page for additional resources.