Why Choose Adoption?
“It can never hurt to explore your options” -Janelle, Birth Mother
Everyday, women like you choose adoption. They understand the benefits of adoption and want what is best for their child. Because of open adoption, relationships can be ongoing between these women and their children.
Today, adoption is a widely accepted option for a woman who is experiencing an unexpected pregnancy and is considering adoption for ANY reason.

Birth Mothers:
We don’t need to tell you what an unplanned pregnancy can delay or halt: your education, your careers, your goals are all on the line. You may not be financially able to care for a child (or an additional child) and you may not have a partner to help you raise your baby. If you’re unable or unwilling to terminate your pregnancy, but are also not prepared to raise a child, adoption is the right choice for you.
Why Choose Adoption?
Women who choose adoption:
- Tend to have higher educational aspirations
- Are more likely to finish school
- Are less likely to live in poverty and receive public assistance
- Are more likely to delay marriage and having other children
- Are more likely to marry and less likely to divorce
- Are more likely to be employed a year after the baby is born
- Are less likely to face another unplanned pregnancy
One of biggest advantages of choosing adoption is the ability to still be a part of your child’s life. Many birth mothers are able to stay in contact with the adoptive family and their child through open adoption. They receive letters, emails, photos, and phone calls regarding the welfare of their child.
In some cases, there may even be able to negotiate visits with the child. Birthmothers can be reassured that their child is loved and well-cared for and can be reassured that their decision to make an adoption plan was the right one.

Adopted Children:
There are many advantages for children who are adopted. They grow up in a family that you lovingly and selflessly chose for them. Other advantages include:
- They have committed parents and a stable home
- They have opportunities and resources that you may not have been able to provide for them at your stage in life
Studies show that adopted children:
- Have greater health
- More one-on-one attention from a parent
- Are more involved in extracurricular activities
- Are as well-adjusted as their peers
Your child will know that you made a loving decision to choose the best life possible for them. Your child will will be grateful for your courageous decision and thankful that so many people care about him or her.
See families we helped create.

Adoptive Family:
There are also advantages for adoptive families including:
- Receiving the joy and blessing of adding a child to their family
- Ability to fulfill dreams of raising a child
- Provide a loving home to a child
- Opportunity to meet and form a relationship with the birth parents
See potential adoptive families
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