Tag Archives: adoption education

Questions to Ask a Potential Birth Mother

For prospective adoptive parents hoping to meet a birth mother, few situations are more anxiety-inducing than their first encounter. Here are some questions to ask — and some to avoid — along with insight as to what she’s thinking. The first meeting or phone call with an expectant mother considering adoption can be nerve-wracking, as… (Read More)

How to Recognize Red Flags in an Adoption Agency as a Birth Mother

  Deciding to create an adoption plan can be a very difficult and emotional decision, so you want to ensure that you are working with an adoption agency that has the best interests of both you and your child in mind. As you navigate this process, you will want to know your rights as a… (Read More)

What is an Adoption Consultant?

  If you are in the process of adopting or considering choosing an adoption placement for your child, you’ve likely been bombarded with a lot of terminology related to the adoption community and who you will be working with. Though you may have heard about adoption consultants, you also might not be familiar with them,… (Read More)

How to Navigate Open Adoption

  As a birth parent who is already navigating creating an adoption plan, it can be difficult to know what type of openness you see occurring. This is an important decision and there are adoption professionals willing to help you think this through.    What is an open adoption? There are three levels of openness… (Read More)

How To Talk to Your Child About Their Adoption Story

  In the past, adoption was a topic that wasn’t discussed. It’s hard to believe that there were adoptees that didn’t know they were adopted, sometimes their entire life. However, times have changed, for the better. It’s important to be considerate, sensitive, and to share truthful and relevant information to help your child understand their… (Read More)

Adult Adoption & Why You Should Consider It

  When we hear the word “adoption,” we so often think of infant adoption or adoption through foster care, but what people seldom think about is adult adoption. Adult adoption is becoming more common as adoption itself is growing. The reality is that everyone, no matter their age, needs a family. Though children may age… (Read More)

Embracing a Birth Mother

I had little experience with birth mothers prior to adopting my own daughter and writing about adoption. It was then that I began to meet many, including friends who I hadn’t known had made an adoption plan for their child. I started reading more about the birth parent process, talking with and interviewing more birth… (Read More)

Embryo Adoption

When you think of adoption, you likely think about it in the traditional sense of the word: adopting a child or an infant. However, recently, there has been more awareness about embryo adoption including what it is, how it works, and the costs associated with embryo adoption. Embryo adoption has become discussed more in the… (Read More)

Adoption By The Numbers

  Adoption has always been a strange topic of discussion in American culture. On one hand, 60% of Americans have some form of personal experience with adoption, and yet tens of millions of Americans know very little about it (Adoption Network). Adoption has always had a community around it, made up of adoptive families, agencies, children, and… (Read More)