Tag Archives: adoption information

Questions to Ask a Potential Birth Mother

For prospective adoptive parents hoping to meet a birth mother, few situations are more anxiety-inducing than their first encounter. Here are some questions to ask — and some to avoid — along with insight as to what she’s thinking. The first meeting or phone call with an expectant mother considering adoption can be nerve-wracking, as… (Read More)

How to Recognize Red Flags in an Adoption Agency as a Birth Mother

  Deciding to create an adoption plan can be a very difficult and emotional decision, so you want to ensure that you are working with an adoption agency that has the best interests of both you and your child in mind. As you navigate this process, you will want to know your rights as a… (Read More)

Is it Safe to Find Your Birth Mother Online?

  You may be one of the many adopted individuals beginning the journey to search for your birth parents. With the advent of so much new technology, finding birth families online is easier than ever, but also, can cause some trepidation about the safety of this endeavor. In many states, you will have access to… (Read More)

How to Navigate Open Adoption

  As a birth parent who is already navigating creating an adoption plan, it can be difficult to know what type of openness you see occurring. This is an important decision and there are adoption professionals willing to help you think this through.    What is an open adoption? There are three levels of openness… (Read More)

Adult Adoption & Why You Should Consider It

  When we hear the word “adoption,” we so often think of infant adoption or adoption through foster care, but what people seldom think about is adult adoption. Adult adoption is becoming more common as adoption itself is growing. The reality is that everyone, no matter their age, needs a family. Though children may age… (Read More)

Embracing a Birth Mother

I had little experience with birth mothers prior to adopting my own daughter and writing about adoption. It was then that I began to meet many, including friends who I hadn’t known had made an adoption plan for their child. I started reading more about the birth parent process, talking with and interviewing more birth… (Read More)

Week 3 | What It’s Like Being Adopted

Many of us imagine adopted kids living their whole childhoods not knowing that the people who raised them aren’t their biological parents. TV and movies often portray a dramatic scene where the parent tells the child the truth about their adoption and the child loses a sense of their identity and feels betrayed by their… (Read More)

Growing After Adoption 2018 | Support Groups

Raising adopted children is wonderful but can also be challenging. Self-care is crucial for you and your child to flourish. This group provides a safe place to share your thoughts and feelings as well as practical tools and knowledge to add to your parenting skills.   Possible Topics: * Adjusting to adoptive parenting * Self-care… (Read More)

New Event | Wealth of Wisdom and Culture: A Celebration of African-Americans

Sun, February 18, 2pm – 4pm Whitefish Bay High School, 1200 E Fairmount Ave, Milwaukee, WI  One Circle Forward is excited to be hosting our very first Black History community program to celebrate, inspire and educate. We invite individuals and families from all over greater Milwaukee to join us. ALL ARE WELCOME! The program’s theme… (Read More)