Tag Archives: adoption informational meeting

Adoption Wellness Presents:

You’re Invited …   “An Evening With Adoptees” a panel of adults who were adopted, as babies/children will share their stories and take questions from the audience. Pre-adoptive parents, Adoptive Parents, Adoption Professionals, Medical Professionals, Legal Professionals, Educators, and those whose lives are touched by adoption; personally or professionally.  *This workshop offers two credit hours… (Read More)

Attachment Training: February 18th, 2016!

Attachment is critical to healthy relationships. When a child comes to your care with a history of trauma, you can tell him that he is safe, wanted, and loved, but that isn’t always enough. Sometimes, there is a disconnect between thoughts and feelings and that can become the foundation for an insecure attachment, leading to… (Read More)

Free Webinar February 10th!

  Register now for a FREE Expert Q&A Webinar Creating Your Adoption Profile with Madeleine Melcher February 10, 2016 @ 1 pm ETWhen you adopt in the U.S., you must create anadoption profile (also called an adoption portfolio or “Dear Prospective Birth Mother Letter”) that your agency or attorney will share with expectant mothers considering… (Read More)

Free Workshop: "Who I am, not Who am I?"

The Post Adoption Resource Center of Family Services invites all pre-adoptive, foster and adoptive parents to attend a free workshop entitled,   “Who I am, not Who am I?”   Do you find yourself struggling with certain aspects of your child’s history? Do you question how to share these difficult stories with your child? Presented… (Read More)

What are the 3 things you must do when you decide to adopt?

Making the decision to adopt can a very difficult and involved process. Once you have decided to adopt, there are 3 very important things to do: 1. Decide what type of Adoption is best for you. They are several types of adoption and it is important to find what suits you best. Attending an agency… (Read More)