The Post Adoption Resource Center of Family Services invites all pre-adoptive, foster and adoptive parents to attend a free workshop entitled, “Who I am, not Who am I?” Do you find yourself struggling with certain aspects of your child’s history? Do you question how to share these difficult stories with your child? Presented… (Read More)
Movie presentation of The Dark Matter of Love An eleven year old Russian girl learns to love her adoptive American family through a scientific intervention. The film tells the story of three of the last Russian children, Masha (11) and Marcel and Vadim (5), able to be adopted into an American family before Russian President Vladimir… (Read More)
What information are your clients receiving about embryo adoption from the internet? Facts? Fiction? or Something In-Between? Your clients rely on YOU to provide them with the information they need to make decisions regarding embryo adoption. Get the facts in this one-hour webinar. Embryo Adoption: Dispelling the Myths!! Wednesday, March 12, 2014 12:00 Noon… (Read More)