Tag Archives: adoption support

Adoption Wellness Presents:

You’re Invited …   “An Evening With Adoptees” a panel of adults who were adopted, as babies/children will share their stories and take questions from the audience. Pre-adoptive parents, Adoptive Parents, Adoption Professionals, Medical Professionals, Legal Professionals, Educators, and those whose lives are touched by adoption; personally or professionally.  *This workshop offers two credit hours… (Read More)

New Event | We’re Going Apple-Picking!

PARC’s 2nd Annual Fall Outing For Families The Little Farmer Orchard & Farm Market Grab your families and join PARC for our fall outing at The Little Farmer Orchard & Farm Market, located in Malone- just 10 miles north of Fond du Lac. Each family will receive their own bag for apples and will enjoy a… (Read More)

Adoption Choice, Inc. receives special gift from 5th grade students

  On May 24, 2017, Assistant Director, Beth Garbe, was invited to come to Chappell Elementary School in Green Bay to receive a special gift. Fifth grade teacher, Kelly Hohman, greeted them along with a group of students. These students had chosen to research the topic of adoption for their exhibition project.  Without any assistance, these… (Read More)

Adopting When You're Already Parenting Webinar!

Wed, September 28, 12pm – 1pm If you’re already parenting and are considering growing your family through adoption, you may face a few questions and decisions that didn’t surface when you first became a parent. How do we decide on the right path? Should we consider adopting out of birth order? How do we prepare… (Read More)

Recent Legislation Regarding International Adoption

While many of the fee increases are minimal, the fee for Certificate of Citizenship is significant for families. We encourage everyone to consider contacting their representatives/senators to oppose this recent legislation. Adoption Community: USCIS has announced, via the Federal Register, proposed fee increases for some of their services, including those that impact adoptive families. You… (Read More)

FACE-Kids Adoptee Group

Are you an adoptee interested in learning how to… • explore your identity? • understand race and ethnicity? • hear from other adoptees’ experiences? • navigate the relationship between yourself and others? • respond to racism, discrimination or stereotypes? • make sense of different emotions related to adoption? • talk about adoption with your friends… (Read More)

The W.I.S.E. UP Program's Upcoming Events for Adoptive Families

Good afternoon! There are several upcoming opportunities for adoptive families to participate in a WISE Up Conference. Please view the information below for more details and to learn about how to register.  Presented by the Wisconsin Post Adoption Resource Centers When it comes to handling questions and comments about adoption, kids need to be empowered… (Read More)

Attachment Training: February 18th, 2016!

Attachment is critical to healthy relationships. When a child comes to your care with a history of trauma, you can tell him that he is safe, wanted, and loved, but that isn’t always enough. Sometimes, there is a disconnect between thoughts and feelings and that can become the foundation for an insecure attachment, leading to… (Read More)

Healing Hearts Support Group for Adoption/Foster-Care Parents

Hello! In just a couple of weeks there will be a wonderful opportunity to attend a support group if you are an adoptive or foster care parent. Event details are below. Please contact the provided number for details.  Healing Hearts Adoption/Foster-Care Parent Support Group 3rd Tuesday of the Month February 16th –  6-7:30pm Guest Speaker:… (Read More)

Free Webinar February 10th!

  Register now for a FREE Expert Q&A Webinar Creating Your Adoption Profile with Madeleine Melcher February 10, 2016 @ 1 pm ETWhen you adopt in the U.S., you must create anadoption profile (also called an adoption portfolio or “Dear Prospective Birth Mother Letter”) that your agency or attorney will share with expectant mothers considering… (Read More)