Tag Archives: adoption triad

Questions to Ask a Potential Birth Mother

For prospective adoptive parents hoping to meet a birth mother, few situations are more anxiety-inducing than their first encounter. Here are some questions to ask — and some to avoid — along with insight as to what she’s thinking. The first meeting or phone call with an expectant mother considering adoption can be nerve-wracking, as… (Read More)

Creating Relationships with Birthparents in Adoption

Ninety-five percent of domestic infant adoptions in the US have some degree of openness, so almost all adoptive parents need to think about creating a lasting healthy relationship with their child’s birth mother and birth father. Host Dawn Davenport, Executive Director of Creating a Family, the national infertility & adoption education and support nonprofit, interviews… (Read More)

Top Ten Things Parent MUST Tell Their Adopted Kids

Many parents dread having the “adoption talk”. They worry that they will make a mistake; that their child will feel different; that they will somehow burden him with information he does not need to know. Worry not! “The Talk” is really a series of small seemingly inconsequential talks as your child ages, starting before they… (Read More)

Dark Matter of Love

Movie presentation of The Dark Matter of Love An eleven year old Russian girl learns to love her adoptive American family through a scientific intervention. The film tells the story of three of the last Russian children, Masha (11) and Marcel and Vadim (5), able to be adopted into an American family before Russian President Vladimir… (Read More)

Tools for Telling Your Child About Their Adoption Story

The following article was written by Madeleine Melcher Madeleine Melcher is an adoptee, an author, mother of three blessings of adoption, and the owner of Our Journey to You, where she has helped countless prospective adoptive parents create adoption portfolios, with great success. I was thinking the other day about how I have preached to… (Read More)