Tag Archives: Adoptive mothers

Are You Sure You Want to Adopt Again????

  When you announced your plans to adopt again, were you met with congratulations and excitement or some variation of “Are you sure?” Do you think the response would be different if you announced a second or third pregnancy? Creating a Family website posted this situation to it’s Facebook Support Group and received many responses…. (Read More)

October 1st or November 5th Webinar: Grieving the Loss of a Genetic Child

NEW!!! Part 1 of a two part series regarding embryo adoption and genetics. Part 1 will focus on helping people understand the role of genetic connections in parenthood and how to emotionally and socially prepare to adopt a child with no genetic connection. Click on image below to register for this webinar on October 1st or… (Read More)

2014 OYFF Birthmom/Adoptive mom Retreat

Registration is now open for the On Your Feet Foundation Birthmom/Adoptive mom Fall retreat! September 19-21, 2014 in Michigan City, Indiana OYFF is proud to sponsor a unique retreat for Birthmoms and Adoptive moms! In 2013 we had 7 “teams” of birth/adoptive moms come together to learn from one another and grow together as a… (Read More)

Not the Life I Expected: Parenting a Child With Attachment Disorder

Most of us didn’t go into adoption expecting to parent a child with significant attachment issues or Reactive Attachment Disorder. Even if we adopted an older child who experienced abuse or neglect, or a child from foster care, or a child from one of the many understaffed and underfunded orphanages throughout the world, we didn’t… (Read More)

A Birth mother seeks advice

Navigating the arena of open adoption can be difficult for all sides of the adoption triad.  How much contact is good?  Will it confuse the child? How do you explain the relationship of everyone involved? These are just some of the questions that adoptive parents and birth parents have regarding open adoption.  There are many… (Read More)

Tools for Telling Your Child About Their Adoption Story

The following article was written by Madeleine Melcher Madeleine Melcher is an adoptee, an author, mother of three blessings of adoption, and the owner of Our Journey to You, where she has helped countless prospective adoptive parents create adoption portfolios, with great success. I was thinking the other day about how I have preached to… (Read More)

Yes, We Do Adopt

I am not the first single, non-famous, Black woman to adopt in America,but it sometimes seems that way. In 2006, I had no clue how hard it would be to wrestle against cultural norms by adopting a baby. I adopted for a multitude of reasons, none of which included waging a one-woman campaign to inform… (Read More)