Tag Archives: advocacy

What is an Adoption Consultant?

  If you are in the process of adopting or considering choosing an adoption placement for your child, you’ve likely been bombarded with a lot of terminology related to the adoption community and who you will be working with. Though you may have heard about adoption consultants, you also might not be familiar with them,… (Read More)

Keeping Brothers and Sisters together in Foster Care

In the video, Brothers and Sisters: Keeping Siblings in Foster Care Connected, young people share their stories of being separated from their siblings and offer recommendations for how professionals can help maintain sibling relationships. This video was produced by Epic ‘Ohana, Inc., which works to strengthen ‘ohana — a Hawaiian term for family related by blood. Watch the… (Read More)

Advocacy Day

It’s Time for Your Members of Congress to Understand the Needs of the Infertility Community. Right now there is no one from Wisconsin attending Advocacy Day. There is no one to stand up for the rights for people with infertility and ask for financial relief for infertility treatments and adoption. When you come to Advocacy… (Read More)


    Take action today to help save the adoption tax credit — Please use social media to ask your Members of Congress to support the Adoption Tax Credit Refundability Act (H.R. 2144/S. 1056). Increasing cosponsorships of these bills is the best way to protect the adoption tax credit! Congressman Camp’s tax reform proposal that… (Read More)

Advocacy Day-Make a Difference

Make a Difference!   RESOLVE’s Advocacy Day is one of the most important days of the year Angie, you’re necessary to make an impact. On Wednesday, May 7, in Washington, D.C., women and men living with infertility, their friends and family, and healthcare professionals, will all come together and meet with Members of Congress about… (Read More)