Tag Archives: international adoption

How You Can Help Save International Adoptions and Solve the U.S. International Adoption Crisis

International Adoptions Are Down 81%    International adoption may completely end by 2022 if we don’t act NOW! “Congress passed the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption believing that that this action would pave the way for a more ethical, transparent and streamlined process for inter-country adoption… Sadly, several years later, it is clear that this decision… (Read More)

Adoption Grants Available for Adoptive Parents

  Adoption Grants Adoption Choice, Inc. is pleased to announce we are now able to offer adoption grants to families who are working with Adoption Choice, Inc. and have an approved home study!  These funds will be distributed to families who need assistance funding a portion of their adoption. Families pursuing domestic or international adoption are… (Read More)

Older Child Adoption: Expecting the Unexpected

Originally published on AdoptiveFamilies.com When you adopt a toddler or an older child, be prepared to encounter some surprising behaviors. Experts and parents share their strategies and successes. Parents of newborns, whether through adoption or birth, can follow a mostly predictable pattern. When the baby cries, he’s hungry, needs a new diaper, or is tired…. (Read More)

Recent Legislation Regarding International Adoption

While many of the fee increases are minimal, the fee for Certificate of Citizenship is significant for families. We encourage everyone to consider contacting their representatives/senators to oppose this recent legislation. Adoption Community: USCIS has announced, via the Federal Register, proposed fee increases for some of their services, including those that impact adoptive families. You… (Read More)

Ukranian Saturday School Program

Good Morning! I recently learned of an incredible program that I would love to pass onto all of you! The Ukrainian Cultural School of Green Bay   This unique school keeps the Ukrainian culture alive by teaching its students the Ukrainian language, as well as its art and culture!   The language class is split… (Read More)

Documentary on International Adoptions

On December 3, 2014, a documentary produced by Dan Rather on international adoption aired. The documentary is titled, Unwanted in America: The Shameful Side of International Adoption. While the documentary focuses on the unfortunate cases of dissolution and re-homing of international adoptions, it discusses the importance of education and preparation of adoptive families who are considering adopting… (Read More)

Adoption Laws by State

Adoption is, for the most part, controlled by state law, and these laws vary considerably from state to state. Before pursuing an adoption, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with your state’s policies regarding advertising for birth parents, birth mother expenses, consents to adoption, adoption subsidies, and more. If you will be adopting a child born… (Read More)

Pros and Cons of Adopting More Than One Child at a Time

  Each family must look at themselves and their resources in making the decision.  If cost savings is your primary reason, most families I interviewed did not save much money by adopting two at once.  You can take the adoption tax credit for both, but depending on how much taxes you pay, you may not be… (Read More)

Adopting from Ethiopia and Other African Countries

Have questions on adopting from Ethiopia or other African Countries?  View this short clip from Creating a Family website to learn a little about international adoption. More information can be gathered by calling one of our locations or by attending an informational meeting in our of locations.  View the video here.