Tag Archives: international adoption

Dark Matter of Love

Movie presentation of The Dark Matter of Love An eleven year old Russian girl learns to love her adoptive American family through a scientific intervention. The film tells the story of three of the last Russian children, Masha (11) and Marcel and Vadim (5), able to be adopted into an American family before Russian President Vladimir… (Read More)

Preparing Children in Orphanages for Adoption

Adoptive parents anticipate the adoption of a child with joy and a great deal of planning. By the time they travel to pick up their child, they have been reading about, dreaming about, and talking about this event for at least a year and sometimes much longer.     Read More

Foreign Couples Heading to America for Surrogate Pregnancies

At home in Lisbon, a gay couple invited friends over to a birthday celebration, and at the end of the evening shared a surprise — an ultrasound image of their baby, moving around in the belly of a woman in Pennsylvania being paid to carry their child. “Everyone was shocked, and asked everything about how we… (Read More)

Not the Life I Expected: Parenting a Child With Attachment Disorder

Most of us didn’t go into adoption expecting to parent a child with significant attachment issues or Reactive Attachment Disorder. Even if we adopted an older child who experienced abuse or neglect, or a child from foster care, or a child from one of the many understaffed and underfunded orphanages throughout the world, we didn’t… (Read More)

A Lost Boy Finds His Calling

  The Incredible Story of a Romanian Orphan –Once Hidden from the World, Now Determined to Change it. Izidor Ruckel Quotes from Romania, Creating a DocumentarySaturday March 1, 2014 2:00-4:00pmDorothy Goff Recital Hall, Shattuck Music CenterCarroll University Waukesha, WI For more information on the event, click here   For more information on Izidor, click here