Tag Archives: Open Adoption

Questions to Ask a Potential Birth Mother

For prospective adoptive parents hoping to meet a birth mother, few situations are more anxiety-inducing than their first encounter. Here are some questions to ask — and some to avoid — along with insight as to what she’s thinking. The first meeting or phone call with an expectant mother considering adoption can be nerve-wracking, as… (Read More)

How to Navigate Open Adoption

  As a birth parent who is already navigating creating an adoption plan, it can be difficult to know what type of openness you see occurring. This is an important decision and there are adoption professionals willing to help you think this through.    What is an open adoption? There are three levels of openness… (Read More)

Openness in Adoption

When it comes to adoption, a lot of questions center around openness as both those creating an adoption plan and those seeking to adopt navigate the process. There are three types of adoptions: open, closed, and semi-open. As we collectively continue to learn more about the adoption process and the emotional well-being of both adopted… (Read More)

Explaining Different Levels of Birth parent contact to children

When the children in an adoptive family have different birth mothers, their parents always long for the same level of contact with each. Wouldn’t that be great! Yet it’s far more common for one sibling to have more contact than the others. It’s also to be expected that the child who has little or no contact… (Read More)

Creating Relationships with Birthparents in Adoption

Ninety-five percent of domestic infant adoptions in the US have some degree of openness, so almost all adoptive parents need to think about creating a lasting healthy relationship with their child’s birth mother and birth father. Host Dawn Davenport, Executive Director of Creating a Family, the national infertility & adoption education and support nonprofit, interviews… (Read More)

Free Webinar: Parenting after Transracial Adoption

Register now for a FREE Expert Q&A Webinar Parenting After Transracial Adoption with Beth Hall July 22, 2015 @ 1 pm ET If you have adopted a child of a different race than your own, how will you ensure that he grows up confident in his racial identity? How do you talk about racial differences? How do… (Read More)

Are Open Adoptions Worth the Hassle?

Open adoptions are all about relationships, and like all relationships, they are often complicated. Open adoptions, however, can take “complication” to a new high (or would that be low) because the parties involved often come from different backgrounds with different life experiences, and varying degrees of “power” in the relationship.   To read the full… (Read More)

Resources for Foster Care Adoption

  Children are more than just statistics, but the numbers are staggering. Approximately 104,000 children are waiting to be adopted from the US Foster Care system. They are ready and available for parents. They are simply waiting. They are about evenly divided by gender and race. Their average age is 8 years, but 40% are under the age… (Read More)

The Sadness of Not Being Chosen by Expectant Mom for Adoption

Adoption is all about “hurry up and wait”. First you submit your application. Wait. Complete your home study and adoptive parent profile. Wait. Start being shown to expectant women or foster care caseworker. Wait. (and sometime wait and wait some more)   See more here