Tag Archives: parenting

The Challenges and Joys of Transracial Adoption

  In 2015, my husband and I adopted our daughter, making us a transracial family. While my husband and I are white, my daughter is black. Though there are challenges that we face as parents, the majority of the challenges that are experienced in transracial adoption are by the adoptees. Though there are countless joys… (Read More)

How to Navigate Open Adoption

  As a birth parent who is already navigating creating an adoption plan, it can be difficult to know what type of openness you see occurring. This is an important decision and there are adoption professionals willing to help you think this through.    What is an open adoption? There are three levels of openness… (Read More)

Single Parent Adoption

  In the past, it might have been more common to see couples adopting, but single parent adoption is on the rise. Adopting as a single man or woman is more commonplace than ever before. According to Adoptioncouncil.org, between 2017-2019, single men and women accounted for about 28% of all parents adopting from foster care…. (Read More)

Older Child Adoption: Expecting the Unexpected

Originally published on AdoptiveFamilies.com When you adopt a toddler or an older child, be prepared to encounter some surprising behaviors. Experts and parents share their strategies and successes. Parents of newborns, whether through adoption or birth, can follow a mostly predictable pattern. When the baby cries, he’s hungry, needs a new diaper, or is tired…. (Read More)

TED Talk Tuesday Presents: James Forbes: Compassion at the dinner table

Known as the preacher’s preacher, Rev. James Forbes is a spiritual leader with a charismatic style and radically progressive opinions. Join Rev. James Forbes at the dinner table of his Southern childhood, where his mother and father taught him what compassion really means day to day — sharing with those who need love.

TED Talk Tuesday Presents: Bruce Feiler's The Council of Dads

It’s that time of the week again, and we thought it was high time to change up your early afternoon with a break and a thoughtful Ted Talk. In this week’s featured video we are introduced to Bruce Feiler  who is the author of “The Secrets of Happy Families,” and the writer/presenter of the PBS… (Read More)

TED Talk Tuesday: Rufus Griscom and Alisa Volkman

It’s that time of the week…and our featured TED Talk  features hosts of the parenting website, babble.com: Rufus Griscom and Alisa Volkman. Sit back for a light hearted and honest 20-minute laugh in this relatable discussion titled: Let’s talk parenting taboos Enjoy!

The W.I.S.E. UP Program's Upcoming Events for Adoptive Families

Good afternoon! There are several upcoming opportunities for adoptive families to participate in a WISE Up Conference. Please view the information below for more details and to learn about how to register.  Presented by the Wisconsin Post Adoption Resource Centers When it comes to handling questions and comments about adoption, kids need to be empowered… (Read More)

Attachment Training: February 18th, 2016!

Attachment is critical to healthy relationships. When a child comes to your care with a history of trauma, you can tell him that he is safe, wanted, and loved, but that isn’t always enough. Sometimes, there is a disconnect between thoughts and feelings and that can become the foundation for an insecure attachment, leading to… (Read More)

Upcoming Teen & Family Events for the Adoptive and Foster Community

On behalf of Around the PARC, we are pleased to inform you of a few events that may be of interest to you and your family in the coming months. For additional information regarding each event please contact the personals listed below in blue. We hope you enjoy! ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Teen Bowling Tuesday, February 9, 2016… (Read More)