Tag Archives: parenting

Upcoming UMOJA family Events for 2016

Here are some great cultural community events that may interest you and your family, on behalf of UMOJA! As many of you know, the reason Umoja exists is because of the commitment that the leaders of African Heritage Inc (AHI) made to me when I approached them, especially Bola Delano and Sabrina Robins. AHI has… (Read More)

This week's Ted Talk features Adora Svitak: What adults can learn from kids

This week’s featured TED Talk features the child prodigy, Adora Svitak who explains why the world needs “childish” thinking: bold ideas, wild creativity and  optimism. Kids’ big dreams deserve high expectations, she says, starting with grownups’ willingness to learn from children as much as to teach. Enjoy this 8-minute video that serves as a reminder… (Read More)

TED Talk Tuesday: Roberto D'Angelo + Francesca Fedeli

Happy New Year, on behalf of Adoption Choice Inc.! With a new year, new obstacles may arise, as well as new opportunities for happiness. We’d like to start off 2016’s Ted Talk Tuesday with a story that will bring a smile to your face at this point in the week. Most importantly, as a reminder… (Read More)

TED Talk Tuesday: Jennifer Senior

TED Talk Tuesday Presents: For Parents, Happiness is a Very High Bar As writer Jennifer Senior has put it, the parenting bookshelves at any bookstore are– “a giant, candy-colored monument to our collective panic.” Her TED Talk this week answers the question:  Why is parenthood filled with so much anxiety? In this honest talk, she offers some… (Read More)

Free Workshop: "Who I am, not Who am I?"

The Post Adoption Resource Center of Family Services invites all pre-adoptive, foster and adoptive parents to attend a free workshop entitled,   “Who I am, not Who am I?”   Do you find yourself struggling with certain aspects of your child’s history? Do you question how to share these difficult stories with your child? Presented… (Read More)

September Training – I Never Expected This: When Difficult Behaviors Arise

Hello! We wanted to take the opportunity to inform you of an upcoming training opportunity for foster and adoptive parents on the topic of I Never Expected This: When Difficult Behaviors Arise. This training will occur on Tuesday, September 22nd from 6-8pm. This training will be offered via webinar or in person at the Coalition… (Read More)

Things to Consider before Adopting Two Kids at Once

As you consider the adoption process, you will likely be asked by your agency how many children you are looking to adopt. This is a topic that deserves some careful consideration. Before you decide that you are open to adopting more than one child at a time, read this article on Creating a Family website… (Read More)

Kite Festival

  Saturday, August 8th 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Martin Park & CenterPointe Marina Sturgeon Bay   Are you and your family looking for a reason to get to Door County this summer? Well, here’s your reason!! Come join other adoptive and pre-adoptive families for Family Services’ first annual Kite Festival! Your family will enjoy… (Read More)

Are You Too Old to Begin a Family at 40? 45? 50?

I am currently struggling – in fact, agonizing – over this decision. I am turning 40 next month and my husband is 45. After unsuccessful IVF treatments, we are considering adoption. However, as much as I dream of having a family, I’m worried we are too old to begin one at our age. At what… (Read More)