Tag Archives: personal adoption stories

Adoption Wellness Presents:

You’re Invited …   “An Evening With Adoptees” a panel of adults who were adopted, as babies/children will share their stories and take questions from the audience. Pre-adoptive parents, Adoptive Parents, Adoption Professionals, Medical Professionals, Legal Professionals, Educators, and those whose lives are touched by adoption; personally or professionally.  *This workshop offers two credit hours… (Read More)

Older Child Adoption: Expecting the Unexpected

Originally published on AdoptiveFamilies.com When you adopt a toddler or an older child, be prepared to encounter some surprising behaviors. Experts and parents share their strategies and successes. Parents of newborns, whether through adoption or birth, can follow a mostly predictable pattern. When the baby cries, he’s hungry, needs a new diaper, or is tired…. (Read More)

Victory! Wisconsin Court Orders Accurate Birth Certificates for Children of Same-Sex Spouses

Taken from Lambda Legal at www.lambdalegal.org Today, the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin ruled that the state of Wisconsin must issue accurate birth certificates listing both parents for the children of married same-sex couples, including the son of Lambda Legal clients Chelsea and Jessamy Torres, a married lesbian couple. “We are… (Read More)

From The Guardian: Why I Conducted A 16- year 'Affair,' With My Mother

  The Guardian’s, Paula Cocozza, recently posted an article concerning, Caitríona Palmer.  A women with a grounded childhood, until one day  everything she thought she knew changed.  Her mother asked her on her sixth birthday to help make the bed, she didn’t find the request odd. They each took two corners of the sheet, wafted it… (Read More)

FACE-Kids Adoptee Group

Thu, March 10, 4:30pm – 5:30pm Family Service Inc, 128 E Olin Ave, Madison, WI 53713 Are you an adoptee interested in learning how to… • explore your identity? • understand race and ethnicity? • hear from other adoptees’ experiences? • navigate the relationship between your self and others? • respond to racism, discrimination or… (Read More)

Exciting Training for Adoptive Families and Adoptees!

The 31st OURS Through Adoption Conference! The 31st Annual OURS Through Adoption Conference is coming up! This is an event that is open for all prospective and post adoptive parents as well as children between the ages of 9-18. The OURS Through Adoption Conference is on Saturday, March 19, 2016 from 8:00am to 1:00pm. It… (Read More)

The W.I.S.E. UP Program's Upcoming Events for Adoptive Families

Good afternoon! There are several upcoming opportunities for adoptive families to participate in a WISE Up Conference. Please view the information below for more details and to learn about how to register.  Presented by the Wisconsin Post Adoption Resource Centers When it comes to handling questions and comments about adoption, kids need to be empowered… (Read More)

Silent Auction Item # 26 Margaritaville Liquor Chiller

Introducing our next silent auction item… A Margaritaville Liquor Chiller! With ultra-cold technology it chills spirits & cocktails to 15° F! All you have to do is fill the Liquor chiller with up to 750 mL of your favorite cocktail! It takes approximately 2 hours to get to the ideal temp with a handy compass light… (Read More)

Birth Parent Support Group Invitation

  Birth Parent Support Group Monday, November 9th 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Location: LSS OFFICE 647 W. Virginia St. Milwaukee *** Please join them for a chance to meet other birth parents Enjoy a safe place to share your story Gain support and encouragement! Please RSVP to Carrie by 11/6/15 @ 414-539-5425  [email protected] ***… (Read More)